Students Hold ‘Hijab Race’ in NYC’s Union Square

A group of students from a nearby art school hosted what they called a "hijab wrap challenge" in one New York City's most popular parks, Union Square, late last week.

The point of the challenge, according to one student, Karina, was to help New Yorkers who do not usually wear Hijabs empathize with Muslim women who do.

As part of the exercise, men and women wrapped themselves in Hijabs in the traditional manner and then competed in a short footrace.

Another part of the game was called the "personal space challenge." It required men and women to perform tasks together, like running with a hula hoop, without making physical contact, which is forbidden in some parts of Islam.

"It ok to work with the same sex… and achieve something with them," explained Hindi, who is also a student at the School of Visual Arts.

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Source → Students Hold 'Hijab Race� in NY C�s Union Square

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