Student caught in hijab dispute to join Norwich University
Sana Hamze, seen in this family photo, knew there would be an uproar over her request to wear a hijab at The Citadel but was surprised by h...
Washington Park teens explain ‘hidden identity of the hijab’ in animated video
Our Next Generation students collaborated to create a video about the hijab. (Photo Courtesy of Ali Carlucci, A.W.E.) Ayan Hassan, 1...
‘I knew it would be an uproar,’ says teen in Citadel hijab clash
Sana Hamze knew it would be controversial when she asked The Citadel, the historic military college in South Carolina, for an exception to t...
Muslim woman granted hijab accommodation to attend Norwich
NORTHFIELD, Vt. - A Muslim woman who persuaded Norwich University to change its uniform policy to accommodate her religious belief...
Muslim Hip-Hop Group Dance to Sway Islamophobia
Female Muslim hip-hop group dances to battle misconceptions about Muslim women. Amirah Sackett, an American following the Islamic faith ...
Take A Look At A Century Of The Hijab's History
Photo: Courtesy of The fashion industry is (slowly) paying more attention to Muslim women, gradually upping the an...
‘I can’t imagine taking the hijab off for any reason.’ A Muslim cadet writes about why her uniform is different.
For some military colleges, a hijab is not an issue. A request from a Muslim student that she be allowed an exception to the required unifor...
‘Hijab Day’ at this US school was canceled, but it got people talking
Students from the Arabic Club at the public high school in the city of Medford, about a 15-minute drive north of downtown Boston, wanted to ...
‘Hijab Day’ at this US school was canceled — but it got people talking
Students from the Arabic Club at the public high school in the city of Medford, about a 15-minute drive north of downtown Boston, wanted to ...
Can The Hijab Actually Be Relatable To All Women?
Thanks to London College of Fashion graduates Nelly Rose and Odette Steele , the hijab — the head-covering garment worn by some Muslim wom...
'Hijab Day' at this Boston area high school was canceled, but it got people talking
Students from the Arabic Club at the public high school in the city of Medford, about a 15-minute drive north of downtown Boston, wanted t...
100 Years Of Hijab Styles Video Brings A Century Of Fashion And Politics To Life
The popular "100 Years of Beauty [1] " videos are known for highlighting how fashion trends in a specific country change over time...
Modern-day Iran is now arresting women for being ‘too beautiful,’ modeling, and refusing to wear the hijab
Women in Iran are cutting their hair short and dressing as men to avoid the harsh morality police, it has been reported. (Article by Julian ...
This '100 Years of Hijab Fashion' Video Shows the Hijab Is Much More Than Just a Trend
With fashion officially [1] obsessed with modest clothing [2] , more women are curious about the hijab. After all, Dolce & Gabbana  sel...

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