Rally participants don hijab in solidarity with Muslim women

As Twitchy reported earlier[2], Salon published a warning to America regarding a video in which GOP candidate Marco Rubio discusses his "bizarre religious faith," which most viewers easily recognized as Catholicism. "We ought to be terrified if he means what he says," wrote Salon, adding that Rubio's beliefs about God and his desire to impose them on the country are what disqualify him to hold the office of president.

Meanwhile, at a Martin Luther King Day rally in San Diego's Balboa Park, everyone regardless of faith was Muslim for the day, which isn't bizarre at all.

"I think there's a lot of political candidates that are using Muslims as a scapegoat," Homayra Yusufi-Marin, a policy advocate for the regional branch of the American Civil Liberties Union, told KPBS. "I think that it's important for all of our allies and communities to really stand together and say that this is not the America we believe in."

An estimated 400 people attended the rally, and organizers handed out hijab for the women to wear.

What's a Muslim Women's Solidarity Event — or protest, or city council meeting, or any day of the year in San Diego — without a drum circle?

To its credit, KPBS noted[39] that while attendees today were asked to wear the hijab in solidarity with Muslim women, not all Muslim women choose to wear the hijab. In a recent Washington Post editorial[40], Asra Q. Nomani and Hala Arafa asked tha t rather than try to show solidarity by playing dress-up, they'd prefer women "stand with us instead with moral courage against the ideology of Islamism that demands we cover our hair."

Maybe at next year's rally …


  1. ^ January 18, 2016 (twitter.com)
  2. ^ As Twitchy reported earlier (twitchy.com)
  3. ^ https://t.co/E7mNzzOkFx (t.co)
  4. ^ pic.twitter.com/1nfeqMZaaU (t.co)
  5. ^ January 19, 2016 (twitter.com)
  6. ^ #hijab (twitter.com)
  7. ^ #MuslimWomen (twitter.com)
  8. ^ #SanD iego (twitter.com)
  9. ^ #BalboaPark (twitter.com)
  10. ^ pic.twitter.com/s5lzso9QvX (t.co)
  11. ^ January 18, 2016 (twitter.com)
  12. ^ #MuslimWomen (twitter.com)
  13. ^ #hijab (twitter.com)
  14. ^ #Islam (twitter.com)
  15. ^ #SanDiego (twitter.com)
  16. ^ January 18, 2016 (twitter.com)
  17. ^ #solidarity (twitter.com)
  18. ^ #women (twitter.com)
  19. ^ #equality (twitter.com)
  20. ^ https://t.co/HIFinQ8bkG (t.co)
  21. ^ pic.twitter.com/ijq4bDSbCZ (t.co)
  22. ^ January 18, 2016 (twitter.com)
  23. ^ #CW6 (twitter.com)
  24. ^ pic.twitter.com/X2c0CytdeF (t.co)
  25. ^ January 18, 2016 (twitter.com)
  26. ^ #MLKDay (twitter.com)
  27. ^ pic.twitter.com/g8smFNU3eJ (t.co)
  28. ^ January 19, 2016 (twitter.com)
  29. ^ @MaherZain (twitter.com)
  30. < sup>^ #MLKDay (twitter.com)
  31. ^ pic.twitter.com/i02qcKIsCZ (t.co)
  32. ^ January 19, 2016 (twitter.com)
  33. ^ #MLKDay (twitter.com)
  34. ^ pic.twitter.com/KDT5DRjpSW (t.co)
  35. ^ January 19, 2016 (twitter.com)
  36. ^ @KPBSnews (twitter.com)
  37. ^ pic.twitter.com/W8xXVMterg (t.co)
  38. ^ January 18, 2016 (twitter.com)
  39. ^ KPBS noted (www.kpbs.org)
  40. ^ a recent Washington Post editorial (www.washingtonpost.com)
  41. ^ (twitter.com)

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Rally participants don hijab in solidarity with Muslim women Rating: 4.5 Posted by: ibusuliyem

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