Re: Lifting the veil on the hijab, Jan. 14.
The bonding together of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamat's Hira Muneeb and Hena Malik and The Liberal's Kim Zarzour, has produced a fine commentary on the virtues of the hijab, its relevance to a Muslim woman's religious obligation, freedom of choice and the eradication of the myth that the hijab is a sign of an oppressed woman.
To the contrary, and as has been rightly exemplified, the hijab signifies the chastity, state of virtue and morality of a pure and unblemished woman who, unlike their western counterparts, does not allow herself to be sexualized, exploited and tossed around like a sex toy to be abused physically and then left in the wilderness.
Organizers and contributors to this very sensible, educational and poignant campaign need to be recognized and commended.
I hope Zarzour's bold and practical experiment to wear a hijab and stroll in public places will help to alleviate the fear with which Muslim women have been engulfed.
They can proudly go around their various tasks in public and should feel even stronger in the choice they have made. So also will it be a catalyst for the general public to tolerate, respect and accept the choice their fellow Canadians have made.
Organizers' unique and innovative invitation to the public to learn about what it means to be a Muslim female and try on the hijab will go a long way in cementing relations with women of all communities. As well, it is winter and you do need a head covering, religious or not.
Coincidentally, the Huffington Post reports that "the Italian fashion house Dolce Gabbana designers have released its first collection of abayas and hijabs and Forbes has called it the company's smartest move in years. A growing number of Western fashion brands, including Tommy Hillfiger, DKNY, and Mango, are realising that it is important to start catering to Muslim women".
Raza Kara
Richmond Hill