Barbie wearing Hijab becomes social media star

Barbie is normally a skinny, white woman in denim hotpants - this could be set to change after the discovery of Hijarbie, a Barbie wearing a Hijab.

The new Barbie doll for mini Hijab fashion has taken social media by storm after pictures of the doll with full-length dresses, veils and flowing abayas were posted by 24-year-old medical science student Haneefa Adam.

Speaking to CNN, Ms Adam said: "I thought I had not seen Barbie dressed in a hijab before so I decided to open an Instagram account and dressed Barbie up in the clothes that I made. I thought it was really important for a doll to be dressed like how I would be."

She added that the dolls were a great way to correct misconceptions that the majority of Muslim women are forced to cover up to express their religion.

She came across the Barbie Style Instagram page and decided to post her own photos with her Barbie wearing clothes she had made, ordering in Barbies from abroad as none were on sale in Nigeria.

The Masters student has 19,400 followers on social media and has received requests from around the world to buy the dolls.

Ms Adam, who recently completed a Masters in Pharmacology in the UK, described the Barbie as a "modest doll" - one that provides a role model for Muslim girls.

Last month Mattel transformed Barbie with a variety of skin tones and different body types.
"I'd have loved to dress up a black doll myself too. I've ordered for some internationally and they'll soon be here," she said.

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Barbie wearing Hijab becomes social media star Rating: 4.5 Posted by: ibusuliyem

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