Rochester, NY school organizes 'Hijab Day' for non-Muslim students (Infiltration)
Jihad Watch ^[3] | 2/12/2016 | Robert Spencer
Posted on 02/13/2016 9:35:58 AM PST by Titus-Maximus[4]
"A district spokesman told the site officials consulted with an attorney about the World Hijab Day event, and were advised that 'there would be more of a legal issue if the school said no to the event' than to hold lessons on the Muslim scarf." Really? What kind of a legal issue? Would the school be brought up on charges of "Islamophobia"? Is that trumped-up propaganda term a crime now?
School board president Van Henri White said of the Hijab Day organizer, student Eman Muthana: "She's not trying to make anybody else anything other than who they are, but she wants people to accept who she is." How wonderful. How incandescently multicultural, with a soupçon of victimhood thrown in: young Eman just wants acceptance, you greasy Islamophobes. Can't you just accept her?
I'll lead the way. Eman Muthana, I accept you. If you want to wear the hijab, please don't think that I have the slightest objection; I don't. What I do wonder is when Rochester's World School of Inquiry will be holding World Uncovered Hair Day, in honor of Aqsa Parvez, whose Muslim father choked her to death with her hijab after she refused to wear it. When will Rochester's World School of Inquiry be celebrating the memory of Aqsa and Amina Muse Ali, a Christian woman in Somalia whom Muslims murdered because she wasn't wearing a hijab? And of the 40 women who were murdered in Iraq in 2007 for not wearing the hijab; and of Alya Al-Safar, whose Muslim cousin threatened to kill her and harm her family because she stopped wearing the hijab in Britain; and of Amira Osman Hamid, who faces whipping in Sudan for refusing to wear the hijab; and of the Egyptian girl, also named Amira, who committed suicide after being brutalized for her family for refusing to wear the hijab; and of the Mus lim and non-Muslim teachers at the Islamic College of South Australia who were told that they had to wear the hijab or be fired; and of the women in Chechnya whom police shot with paintballs because they weren't wearing hijab; and of the women also in Chechnya who were threatened by men with automatic rifles for not wearing hijab; and of the elementary school teachers in Tunisia who were threatened with death for not wearing hijab; and of the Syrian schoolgirls who were forbidden to go to school unless they wore hijab; and of the women in Gaza whom Hamas has forced to wear hijab; and of the women in Iran who protested against the regime by daring to take off their legally-required hijab; and of the women in London whom Muslim thugs threatened to murder if they didn't wear hijab; and of the anonymous young Muslim woman who doffed her hijab outside her home and started living a double life in fear of her parents, and all the other women and girls who have been killed or threatened, or who live in fear for daring not to wear the hijab?
When is their day? When will anyone stand in solidarity with them? Those who taunt or brutalize hijab-wearing women are louts and creeps, and should be prosecuted if they commit any acts of violence. At the same time, the women who don't wear hijab in Muslim countries are far m"A district spokesman told the site officials consulted with an attorney about the World Hijab Day event, and were advised that 'there would be more of a legal issue if the school said no to the event' than to hold lessons on the Muslim scarf." Really? What kind of a legal issue? Would the school be brought up on charges of "Islamophobia"? Is that trumped-up propaganda term a crime now?
School board president Van Henri White said of the Hijab Day organizer, student Eman Muthana: "She's not trying to make anybody else anything other than who they are, but she wants people to accept who she is." How wonderful. How incandescently multicultural, with a soupçon of victimhood thrown in: young Eman just wants acceptance, you greasy Islamophobes. Can't you just accept her?
I'll lead the way. Eman Muthana, I accept you. If you want to wear the hijab, please don't think that I have the slightest objection; I don't. What I do wonder is when Rochester's World School of Inquiry will be holding World Uncovered Hair Day, in honor of Aqsa Parvez, whose Muslim father choked her to death with her hijab after she refused to wear it. When will Rochester's World School of Inquiry be celebrating the memory of Aqsa and Amina Muse Ali, a Christian woman in Somalia whom Muslims murdered because she wasn't wearing a hijab? And of the 40 women who were murdered in Iraq in 2007 for not wearing the hijab; and of Alya Al-Safar, whose Muslim cousin threatened to kill her and harm her family because she stopped wearing the hijab in Britain; and of Amira Osman Hamid, who faces whipping in Sudan for refusing to wear the hijab; and of the Egyptian girl, also named Amira, who committed suicide after being brutalized for her family for refusing to wear the hijab; and of the Mus lim and non-Muslim teachers at the Islamic College of South Australia who were told that they had to wear the hijab or be fired; and of the women in Chechnya whom police shot with paintballs because they weren't wearing hijab; and of the women also in Chechnya who were threatened by men with automatic rifles for not wearing hijab; and of the elementary school teachers in Tunisia who were threatened with death for not wearing hijab; and of the Syrian schoolgirls who were forbidden to go to school unless they wore hijab; and of the women in Gaza whom Hamas has forced to wear hijab; and of the women in Iran who protested against the regime by daring to take off their legally-required hijab; and of the women in London whom Muslim thugs threatened to murder if they didn't wear hijab; and of the anonymous young Muslim woman who doffed her hijab outside her home and started living a double life in fear of her parents, and all the other women and girls who have been killed or threatened, or who live in fear for daring not to wear the hijab?
When is their day? When will anyone stand in solidarity with them? Those who taunt or brutalize hijab-wearing women are louts and creeps, and should be prosecuted if they commit any acts of violence. At the same time, the women who don't wear hijab in Muslim countries are far more likely to be victims of violence than hijabis in the West. Who speaks for them?ore likely to be victims of violence than hijabis in the West. Who speaks for them?
TOPICS: Breaking News; Culture/Society; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: arth; education; hijab; indoctrination; islam; newyork; rochester; usjihad[5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]
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This is how it begins, let's all wear a hijab....then let's stop eating bacon, let's burn down 40 Coptic Christian churches and roast marshmallows.
Not even a clue about Islam's destruction of peaceful peoples around the world.
To: Titus-Maximus
Are you kidding me ??? I hope parents raise holy hell...
To: Titus-Maximus
And the parents of Rochester need to organize a "Whip education bureaucrat's @$$ day" to teach them better.
To: Titus-Maximus
What they're doing is condoning all the mass murders that the mussies do in the name of that dead guy buried out in the desert.
To: Titus-Maximus
It's FUN to wear the niqab. Girls, let's ALL put one on!
To: Titus-Maximus; Robert Spencer
Jihad continues apace. HOORAY Robert Spencer
Since 09/11/2001 the advances inside the republic have been unprecedented.
To: Titus-Maximus
Looks like I left none too soon.
To: Titus-Maximus
When will the non muslims start strapping bombs and lopping off heads
To: Titus-Maximus
Meanwhile, the attack in Columbus, Ohio is being tamped down in the press. The attacker has been identified as Mohamed Barry, the restaurant was named Nazareth.
None of the victims knew Mohamed.
Authorities say they have no idea why the attack happened.
But Mohamed was known to the FBI, though not under active investigation, it is reported.
So there you go. Nothing to do with Islam.
To: Titus-Maximus
Oh, and by the way.
When is "crucifix day"?
To: Titus-Maximus
He forgot the girls in Saudi Arabia who were sent back into their burning school by the Morality Police to get their hijabs because they had fled the flames without their heads covered. They died in the fire.
Why are our schools teaching students that we are obligated to respect such cruel insanity???
To: DiogenesLamp
""Whip education bureaucrat's @$$ day" to teach them better."
That's exactly what needs to happen. They feel that they can get away with anything and they can.
To: Titus-Maximus
I live in a suburb of Rochester. The city's schools have been FUBARed for the last 50 years and I couldn't care less what they do there.
To: Titus-Maximus
To: Lazamataz
I left so long ago I can not even imagine what the schools must be like now. 1990
To: SaxxonWoods
I used to think the FBI recruited intelligent people. They sound like their IQ is lower than the average urban youth.
I wonder how many FBI agents are Muslim.
To: ichabod1
"Girls, let’s ALL put one on!"
And guys, be sure to put them in their place as second-class persons and rape them, after all, the girls will be blamed for the rape, not you!!
To: Titus-Maximus
Guys don't wear 'em...wouldn't that make it a shijab?
To: Titus-Maximus
By all means, participate. But do it in a Red, White and Blue hijab or bhurka.
To: Titus-Maximus
teaching children to love the caliphate. horrific.
To: ladyjane
It's not a matter of intelligence, ladyjane. It's a matter of policy.
They are under orders to avoid calling any attack terrorism for as long as possible, no matter the evidence or perpetrator.
Eventually they will say that the person was mentally off and even though he was Muslim, this has nothing to do with Islam.
To: Titus-Maximus
I would be sure to wear a Cross and Rebel shirt and might even shave my head.
To: oh8eleven
Lemme guess... because they're not allowed to restrain them, right?
To: MountainYankee
Most parents today don't even know what parenting is.
They have no idea who their kids teachers based on my experience around here.
Hell some parents moan , but they never call the school or the school board and protest, far too much work for them to do that and of course they have to think about what others will think about them. sigh.
To: SaxxonWoods
Hardly a mention of the muslim guy killing people and of course if they do mention it they always end with the report by saying " The motive is unclear at the present time."
To: Titus-Maximus
Why not have a "crucifix/cross" day. Let the hijab wearers put those on!
To: ladyjane
No idea what the motive is, mmmm lets see, oh yeas he wanted to kill non muslims, shame the feds can't say that frigging idiots.
To: MountainYankee
if this is an inner city school, a lot of the parents are black who love anything antiwhite..
To: Titus-Maximus
Well, I'm sure the school will follow this up with a day when Muslim students will be required to wear a Crucifix or Star of David so they can also gain a better understanding of religions other than their own.
To: MountainYankee
What about Muslim wearing short shorts and going braless etc? Oh, and eating BLT. And quote from the Bible.
To: Titus-Maximus
Not even a clue about Islam's destruction of peaceful peoples around the world.
I think that the Democrats should start lobbying for hijabs for Democrat women.
NEXT I think that they should start lobbying for veils, very thick ones, for those same women.
We wouldn't have to look at Hitlery's face anymore. THAT would be a plus in my book.
Also ALL women could wear their hijab on BAD HAIR days. We all have them.
To: jayrunner
They should NOT eat any bacon...MORE FOR ME!!!
To: Titus-Maximus
To: SkyDancer
What they're doing is condoning all the mass murders that the mussies do in the name of that dead guy buried out in the desert.
A Perfect Description!
Well Said!
To: Titus-Maximus
Parents of boys should have had them wear yamukles. That would have been interesting.
To: Titus-Maximus
And stop watching Kevin Bacon.
To: Fiddlstix
Yes and pork BBQ's unto him as well.
To: Titus-Maximus
Stone the organizers.
To: ronnie raygun
When will the non muslims start strapping bombs and lopping off heads."
If the girls are required to wear hajibs will they strap suicide vests to the boys as well? Seems sexist not to have all genders equally participate. And will students self-identify their genders so they decide Scarf? or Vest?
To: ichabod1
It would be better if the women were to emulate the example of Tahirih who, at the Conference of Badasht, cast off her veil to signal the abrogation of Shariah law.
To: Titus-Maximus
This will be followed by the school's enthusiastic embrace of "Female Genital Mutilation Day," then "Behead an Infidel for the Prophet Day," and, finally, "Nuke America for the Mullah Day."
To: SkyDancer
To: SaxxonWoods; Pride in the USA
When is "crucifix day"?
The day after "Star of David" day, I'm sure.
To: Titus-Maximus
Boys should be encouraged to wear the hijab as a loincloth.
To: Titus-Maximus
Creeping Sharia
To: ichabod1
We lived in the KSA for five years. I had to LEAVE the Kingdom to get my hair cut, as there were no beauticians on our little camp. I wasn't about to let some Saudi work on MY hair. So, on our frequent trips to the emirates or Greece I would get my hair cut.
So on a trip to Greece I had my hair cut...a "walk in," as the saying goes. As it happened when I went to a Greek (Athens, of course) beauty salon there was a Saudi woman in there too. BTW, all the salon personnel were men. The woman had the whole black outfit/bag on, so I knew she was Saudi.
The guy, who happened to be the owner, was showing the Saudi woman hair color samples from the color book. SHE wanted to become a blonde. The guy was showing her shades of red for her hair, knowing that she would look like a FREAK with her olive skin, dark eyes, dark eyebrows, and dark hair and, if she had her way, BLONDE HAIR.
I couldn't understand them but she was OBVIOUSLY very unhappy at the red shades and REALLY, REALLY wanted to be a blonde.
I was/am blonde and she never looked at me, not even once, but I knew what she was thinking.
I felt very sorry for her, being so unhappy with her GORGEOUS black hair. She was in her late 20's, I think, and also very pretty.
NO BLONDIE for her. I did feel sorry for her.
To: Titus-Maximus
I sure it will be followed by
* Cross day
* Star of David day
* feather day
* dot day
To: Titus-Maximus
When is Yarmulke Day?
To: Titus-Maximus
The subversion of American Culture began a while ago - long before Jimmuh and ZBig instigated and funded the Islamic Revolution of 1979 even.
Remember the 60s? That's when the cultural revolution started oozing America down the sewer.
The "let's have a homosexual activist sing the national anthem and raise the rainbow flag at America's premier cultural sporting event (and pretend we haven't been demoralized and subverted)" behavior is proof of how far desensitized American culture has slid.
To: Titus-Maximus
Imagine the outrage if they were organizing crucifix day for Muslims.
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