ISLAMABAD: World Hijab Day was observed on Monday as an annual event across the world in recognition of millions of Muslim women who choose to wear the hijab and live a life of modesty.
Hajirah Academy presented an event at Islamabad Club `Hijabi Avenger,' featuring a game show and a quest to find the real Hijabi Avenger. The winners of the event got prizes and scarves. The fun filled event was inspired by Hijabi tales.
The very first World Hijab Day was celebrated in 2013 founded by Nazma Khan, a New York resident as a worldwide event that encourages Muslim and non-Muslim women to wear the hijab, and experience life of a Hijabi woman. World Hijab Day is described by its organizers as a way for the non-Hijabi woman to experience hijab from the other side.
Nazma Khan experienced the negative side of practicing hijab after 9/11. She faced various kind of bullying, and decided to stand against this oppression. She created World Hijab Day, and tried to encourage non-hijabi women to wear hijab. She wanted non-hijabi women to experience what hijabi women went through daily. The oppression, and the stereotypical judgment that are associated with hijab.
At the same time, hijab day also aims to stop the physical judgment of the women, and promote judgment based on intellectual abilities. World Hijab Day claims to achieve these goals by giving women an opportunity to wear hijab for a day, and get real life experience of hijab for themselves. It also aims to create a connection between hijabi and non-hijabi women and provides support for the hijabi girls, which they claim lack in many societies. The World Hijab Day also is a source for the hijabi women to vocalize their opinion.