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Archives for March 2016
French women's rights minister embroiled in racism row
Story highlights French official compares Muslim women who wear veils to "Negroes in favor of slavery," later apologizes...
Woman set to become first Muslim rugby player in Ireland to wear hijab
IRELAND's first hijab-wearing rugby player has been welcomed to training sessions at Tallaght Women's RFC in what has been described...
Meet the Kickboxing Champion Launching a Line of Sports Hijabs
A model in one of Ruqsana's sports hijabs. All photos by Bahareh Hosseini [1] Ruqsana Begum is Britain's current Muay Thai kickbox...
Muslim Makeup Artist Uses Hijab to Transform into Disney Characters and Superheroes
Saraswati -makeup artist transformed herself into Disney's Pocahontas with her hijab. -Photo: Instagram Saraswati, a Malaysian makeup ...
French women's minister calls hijabs 'slavery'
France's women's rights minister faced growing criticism on Thursday, including calls on social media to resign, after she compared ...
Hijab wearing TV star Tulisa soaking up the sun in Dubai, Abu Dhabi
London based TV personality Tulisa has been soaking up the sun in-between meetings on a trip to the United Arab Emirates. The 27-year-ol...
French fashion mogul Pierre Bergé hits out at 'Islamic' clothing
Pierre Bergé (left) with Yves Saint Laurent in 1999. Photograph: Sipa Press/Rex Shutterstock Former fashion mogul Pierre Ber...
YSL Partner Slams Designers Who Cater to Muslim Women as 'Enslavement'
Pierre Berge, who was Yves Saint Laurent's business and life partner until his death in 2008, appeared on Europe 1 French radio Wednesda...
Muslim Makeup Artist Uses Hijab to Transform into Disney Characters and Superheroes
Saraswati -makeup artist transformed herself into Disney's Pocahontas with her hijab. -Photo: Instagram Saraswati, a Malaysian makeup ...
She’s a young runner in Gaza, and she refuses to give up the race
Inas Nofal 15, is the only female runner in the Gaza Strip. She training for the Bethlehem marathon on April 1. (Hazem Balousha/The Washing...
Sudanese Women Revolution Against Hijab
Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter June 29th is the date where Sudanese women will be protesting against the Hijab and Ni...
Amanda Saab of "MasterChef" brings Arabic cooking class to Denver
She became first Muslim cook in hijab on prime TV in America. Amanda Saar, who was on Fox's "MasterChef," will be teac...
How Fashion Brands Are (Finally) Catering More To Muslim Consumers
Photo: Courtesy of Dolce & Gabanna. You'd think that Muslim women somehow just started focusing on their sartorial choice...
Hijab wearing TV star Tulisa soaking up the sun in Dubai, Abu Dhabi
London based TV personality Tulisa has been soaking up the sun in-between meetings on a trip to the United Arab Emirates. The 27-year-ol...
Tulisa dons a hijab for tour around Sheikh Zayed mosque in Abu Dhabi before soaking up the sun in a black bikini on board yacht
By Jj Nattrass For Mailonline [1] Published: 10:53 EST, 28 March 2016 | Updated: 13:37 EST, 28 March 2016 ...
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French women's rights minister embroiled in racism...
Woman set to become first Muslim rugby player in I...
Meet the Kickboxing Champion Launching a Line of S...
Muslim Makeup Artist Uses Hijab to Transform into ...
French women's minister calls hijabs 'slavery'
Hijab wearing TV star Tulisa soaking up the sun in...
French fashion mogul Pierre Bergé hits out at 'Is...
YSL Partner Slams Designers Who Cater to Muslim Wo...
Muslim Makeup Artist Uses Hijab to Transform into ...
She’s a young runner in Gaza, and she refuses to...
Sudanese Women Revolution Against Hijab
Amanda Saab of "MasterChef" brings Arabic cooking ...
How Fashion Brands Are (Finally) Catering More To ...
Hijab wearing TV star Tulisa soaking up the sun in...
Tulisa dons a hijab for tour around Sheikh Zayed m...
In Bosnia, Syrian Abu Hamza jailed without trial
Protest held outside Shaw Library after woman orde...
Sports clothing lines cater to religiously observa...
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Cop Who Told Woman In Library To Remove Hijab: I T...
Woman In Hijab Rips Up Israeli Flag At Brussels Me...
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Brussels attacks: Woman in hijab filmed taking Isr...
Officer Asks Woman to Remove Hijab in DC Library, ...
Shocking video shows hijab-wearing woman TEARING U...
DC cop threatens woman with handcuffs when she ref...
Hayward Muslim student is called a terrorist, has ...
Kansas City Christian wears a hijab to express sup...
Police officer allegedly asked a woman to leave a ...
DC Public Library apologizes after officer asks wo...
Baptist high school guidance counselor dons hijab ...
Hijab-wearing police officer builds trust with mig...
'I Want to Do Something About It': Bay Area Muslim...
Malaysian Artist Saraswati on Using Her Hijab to T...
Youth Pastor’s Wife Is Wearing a Muslim Hijab â€...
Samara Sisters Showcase Hijab Fashion in Wisconsin
Baptist Youth Pastor's Wife Says She's Wearing Hij...
Schoolchildren tear off woman’s hijab in London
Uniqlo lauches Hijab collection
Uniqlо lauches Hijab cоllectiоn
Missouri Christian wears hijab in solidarity
High fashion hijab collection coming to the UK!
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Fashion retailers target Muslim women with hijab l...
Dearborn police implement 'Hijab' policy and don't...
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Mob of schoolchildren tore a Muslim woman's hijab ...
SXSW apologizes for asking Olympic fencer to remov...
Dearborn Hijab Lawsuit Dropped in Light of Video E...
SXSW Muslim Incident: 2016 Olympic Fencer Asked to...
America’s first hijab-wearing Olympian shares th...
SXSW apologizes after ordering U.S. Olympic fencer...
U.S. Olympian who wears hijab offers riposte to Trump
Gold-medalist fencer will become first American at...
SXSW ‘Embarrassed’ by Volunteer Who Asked Musl...
SXSW apologizes for asking U.S. Olympian to remove...
SXSW Organizers Apologize After Asking Muslim Olym...
SXSW Apologizes for Asking Olympic Fencer to Remov...
Meet Ibtihaj Muhammad, the history-making Olympian...
SXSW Apologizes For Asking U.S. Olympian Ibtihaj M...
Fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad Asked To Remove Hijab At S...
Checking in: SXSW apologizes after telling Olympic...
Syria peace talks to resume within days
As anti-Islam tone rises in U.S., Muslim women lea...
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US fencer to represent her country wearing a hijab...
First sports hijab-jersey unveiled on Internationa...
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Afghanistan unveils soccer kit with hijab
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