Hijab-clad woman hides Israeli flag at Brussels memorial

A hijab-clad woman was caught by television cameras this week removing an Israeli flag from an impromptu memorial set up in the wake of Tuesday's deadly terror attacks in Brussels.

The woman, filmed most of the time with her back to the camera, appears to roll up the Israeli flag and hide it under another flag. The footage was apparently filmed on a cell phone by someone watching the television report.

In the video, the woman approaches the memorial at Brussels's Place de la Bourse, where hundreds of lit candles and flags are laid out. She appears to be wearing a keffiyeh around her neck, hemmed in the colors of the Palestinian flag and with images of the Dome of the Rock mosque in Jerusalem embroidered on it.

She can then be seen picking up a large Palestinian flag that is already laid out besides an array of flags from different countries, including the Jewish state . She walks a few steps and picks up the Israeli flag, which she then appears to roll into a ball. She places it under a flag that looks like the red and white English national flag.

Dozens of people can be seen in the background looking on; no one approaches her or tries to stop her.

She then either places the Palestinian flag flat on the ground or places it in her purse — it is unclear, as part of her body is obscured by a news ticker running at the bottom of the screen. The woman then walks away, treading carefully so as not to step on other flags or candles.

Tuesday's attacks, which ripped through Brussels airport and a metro station in the city, killed more than 30 people and wounded hundreds more. Islamic State claimed responsibility for the terrorism.

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Hijab-clad woman hides Israeli flag at Brussels memorial Rating: 4.5 Posted by: ibusuliyem

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